Why Should I Replace Missing Teeth?

June 23, 2016

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dental implants in Wichita FallsWhen you’re suffering from tooth loss, many don’t understand the negative implications missing teeth cause if left untreated. Many often believe the biggest risk they face with untreated missing teeth is a decrease in confidence from an incomplete smile. However, the risks and complications extend much deeper than that. Overtime, your untreated missing teeth will lead to additional tooth loss. With every tooth in your mouth playing an important role in order for all of your teeth to work together, your quality of life, oral health, and even overall health can be impacted. If you’re suffering from missing teeth, we encourage you to replace your missing teeth right away. We provide dental implants in Wichita Falls to provide a permanent solution to tooth loss.

Why Do I Need to Replace Missing Teeth?

When even one tooth is missing, your oral health and quality of life begins to change. All of your teeth work together to promote proper oral function. But, when a tooth is lost, your teeth no long work together properly, making it difficult to eat and speak. Overtime, this can cause your nutritional intake to suffer, opening the door to overall health problems.

In addition, when teeth aren’t replaced, your underlying bone and structures begin to deteriorate. As you lose bone, your remaining natural teeth no longer have the support they need to stay in place. This will cause your remaining teeth to shift and eventually fall out. As this occurs, you become more prone to tooth decay and gum disease. Not to mention, your facial structures will change, causing your facial appearance to begin to sag and look sunken.

While dentures and bridges are effective for treating tooth loss, they aren’t the best option because they don’t stop bone loss. The only way to stop bone loss to protect your oral health long-term is with dental implants from your dentist in Wichita Falls.

Dental Implants in Wichita Falls

Dental implants involve surgically placing titanium posts into your jawbone. The posts act as a new tooth root, which securely anchor prosthetic crowns in place. This not only provides you with a form of tooth replacement that’s permanent and one that looks and functions like natural teeth, but also stops bone loss. The titanium posts stimulate your bone, allowing you to stop and preserve bone density. As a result, you’ll protect your remaining teeth by providing them with the support they need to stay firmly in place.

By replacing missing teeth with dental implants, you’ll protect your oral health and quality of life by restoring proper oral functions. Dental implants in Wichita Falls can be used to successfully treat all degrees of tooth loss—no matter if you’re missing one tooth or all of your teeth.

If you’re suffering from missing teeth, we encourage you to contact our office for a consultation. We’ll determine if you’re a candidate for dental implants to create a customized treatment plan that best meets your needs. Make an investment in your smile with a long-term solution. Call (940) 613-0299 to see if dental implants are right for you.

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